The fourth industrial revolution brings new challenges and opportunities for governments. With strategic foresight, we help improve planning and investment for emerging national security needs in space and strategic technologies.

Prioritizing strategic investments by planning for the future is imperative for minimizing risk and capturing emerging opportunities. We work to inform national security strategy so it is better aligned with transformative goals, to implement and manage change, and to embrace innovation.


We empower our clients to achieve their strategic space objectives and lead in the expanding space frontier by addressing the critical needs of national, commercial, and military space sectors. Our approach emphasizes sustainable growth, technological advancement, and long-term vision ensuring strategic alignment with global trends and national priorities.

Strategic Technologies

We help clients stay ahead in a rapidly evolving technological landscape by navigating the complexities of technological advancements and investments. By analyzing global trends in strategic technologies, we provide deep insights into emerging innovations and their potential impacts.

Military Airworthiness and Air Safety in the GCC: Establishing a Common Framework

To ensure safety standards for flight crew and personnel on the ground, a holistic regulatory framework for airworthiness and air safety incorporating aircraft design, its physical condition as it is continuously operated, and the organizations and personnel responsible for maintenance is imperative. Unlike the civil sector, most militaries develop their own airworthiness
and safety requirements. Still, GCC nations have primarily relied on original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) to work with local maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO) contractors and operators to furnish such requirements for military aircraft programs.

صلاحية وسلامة الطيران في دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي:ي تأسيس إطار عمل مشترك

إن ضمان معايير السلامة لطاقم ضع إطار تنظيميو الواقع، يستدعي ضرالجوية على أ ان بحيث يشتمل علىرصلاحية الطيوشامل لسلامة ظل تشغيلها المستمر يفالمادية اهتلحاو ةتصميم الطائر مهتيلومسؤوالموظفين ومما يجعل التزام المنظمات العكس من قطاع الصيانة أمرًا حتميً ا. فعلى نع تضع متطلبات شأغلب الجيو ان المدني، فإنرالطي .يان العسكررسلامة الطيولصلاحية اهبخاصة مجلس التعاون الخليجي تعتمد بشكل لودالت زلا أسا􀁀سي على مصنعي المعدات الأصليين (OEMs) حتى عمراتو حإصلاوصيانة يلتستطيع العمل مع مقاو (MRO) مثل هذه المتطلبات ريفمشغلين محليين لتوو امج الطائرات العسكريةربل